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These are but wild and whirling words

Today is National Handwriting Day and to celebrate here are our hand-written Colourblock Quotation notebooks.

Sarah Wilmott
Colourblock Quotations
Colourblock Quotation Range

National Handwriting Day celebrates the lost art of handwriting, which is sadly dying out as we rely more on technology to write and send our thoughts.

Our Colourblock Quotation notebooks have been designed to celebrate Shakespeare, the craft of writing and fine stationery. Colourful and contemporary, these notebooks feature hand-written Shakespeare quotations, carefully selected to resonate in their own right and appeal to a broad audience.

Colourblock Quotation Stationary
Each quotation was written by hand before being foil block printed

The range is designed in-house with a completely unique font (one of our team’s neatest handwriting). We are proud to say it is printed locally and on environmentally-friendly G.F. Smith card stock. 

Write more and type less! With new postcards and greetings cards now available there is no excuse not to put pen to paper.

Shop this exclusive collection in the Birthplace Shop or online.

Colourblock Quotation Stationary
The Colourblock range so far

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