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Tickets on sale from 27 April 2021

Uncover Shakespeare's story in Stratford-upon-Avon

Discover the people and places that shaped William Shakespeare, the ordinary boy from Stratford-upon-Avon who went on to do extraordinary things.

On Monday 17 May Shakespeare's Birthplace will once again be open to the public with Anne Hathaway's Cottage and Shakespeare's New Place to reopen a month later on Monday 14 June. Explore the fascinating stories behind Shakespeare the boy, husband, family man and business man right where it all began.

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Shakespeare's Birthplace

Opening Monday 17 May

The perfect starting point for exploring Shakespeare's work, life and times.

Explore where it all began at his childhood home and discover his influence through the centuries.

Anne Hathaway's Cottage

Opening Monday 14 June

Savour the rural beauty where Shakespeare’s future wife, Anne Hathaway, grew up and lived for many years, and where their romance bloomed.

Get closer to the Hathaway family and prepare to be captivated by stories handed down from generation to generation

Shakespeare's New Place

Opening Monday 14 June

Explore the site of Shakespeare’s family home where he lived for 19 years in the height of his creative powers, and uncover the fascinating story of why the house that is no longer there.

Discover beautiful gardens and specially-commissioned artworks inspired by Shakespeare’s work, life and times.