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Explore Shakespeare Shakespedia Shakespeare's Plays
A complete summary of William Shakespeare's Play, Hamlet. Find out more about the tragedy set in Denmark and the revenge of Prince Hamlet upon Uncle Claudius
Explore Shakespeare Shakespedia Shakespeare's Plays
A complete summary of William Shakespeare's Play, Hamlet. Find out more about the tragedy set in Denmark and the revenge of Prince Hamlet upon Uncle Claudius
Hamlet in Afrikaans
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
This donation is a copy of Hamlet translated into Afrikaans from 1945. It is illustrated and signed by actors in Pretoria.
Hardy Hamlet
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
The ongoing digitisation happening in the SBT studio, focusing on two interesting items in the SBT Library collection: Hardy's copy of 'Hamlet' and Rowe's compilation of Shakespeare's works.
Hamlet’s Arab journey
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
To mark Jordan Independence Day, Yasen Alkinani, has contributed two filmed readings of extracts from Arabic translations of Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice.
Catch up with Shakespeare: Hamlet
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust's Shakespeare experts have been busy hosting a series of digital talks and live Q&As with A-level pupils around the country in our popular new ‘Catch Up With Shakespeare’ sessions.
Richard Burton as Hamlet
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
For Shakespeare's 450th birthday, we're going back 50 years to see what was done for his 400th birthday celebrations. In 1964, renowned Shakespearian actor Richard Burton took on the role of Hamlet, which went on to be one of the most acclaimed performances of the character.
Is this the “real Shakespeare”? – A Hungarian Hamlet
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Balázs Szigeti tells us about the adventurous balancing act of surtitling a Hungarian Hamlet production into modern English.
Sculpture of Hamlet by Greg Wyatt
Explore Shakespeare Shakespedia Shakespeare's New Place
Dr Paul Edmondson and Professor Sir Stanley Wells discuss a sculpture depicting Shakespeare's Hamlet with the sculptor, Greg Wyatt.
Hamlet as the 'first and finest emo'?
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Shakespeare fan and visitor Kate-Lyn describes her new take on Hamlet. She describes him as the 'first and finest emo' and how she relates to him
Burying the Madness: Wuthering Heights and Hamlet
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Examining Emily Bronté’s seminal 1847 novel Wuthering Heights and its grave connections to Hamlet.
Shakespeare in Russian: Konstantin Konstantinovich’s Hamlet
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Kelsey Ridge investigates the custodial history of a Russian Hamlet translation held in the library collection at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
Cue Script Hamlet: Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet, Laertes and Polonius
Education Teaching Resources
Learn how to use a cue script like Shakespeare's actors would have done. In this scene, Hamlet interacts with Claudius and Gertrude for the first time.
Inside Hamlet (Odyssé) @ Kronborg Castle, Elsinore, Denmark
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Learn more about the production 'Inside Hamlet', where Hamlet is set in an alternate reality where the French Revolution didn't happen until the 1930s
“What a piece of work is an HR volunteer” Act 2, Scene 2 Hamlet… (sort of)
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Bethany, an HR Volunteer at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, details her experiences and what she gets up to on a volunteering day within the HR Department. Read about her contribution to the Trust.
Shakespeare in Spanish
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Katey Workman, Learning intern, explores the reception of Shakespeare in Spain.
Picture of the Month - March 2013
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
A photograph of Sam West as Hamlet in 2001 under Steven Pimlott's direction.
Shakespeare in Swedish
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
On the occasion of Midsummer's Eve Karin introduces us to a selection of Hamlet translations in Swedish held at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Library.
To Russia, with love
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
This tribute blog investigates the links between the Trust's collection, Shakespeare and Russia.
To Japan, with love
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Trust Librarian Mareike Doleschal explores links between the collections and Japan.
Shakespeare in Armenian, part IV
Explore Shakespeare Blogs
Guest blogger Gagik Stepan-Sarkissian writes about the reception of Shakespeare's tragedies in Armenia and the ubiquity of the name 'Hamlet' in his native country.