The GAP, a Birmingham based creative organisation, has teamed up with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust this summer to deliver three artist residencies. The artists’ work is inspired by the Trust’s historic properties and our museum, library and archive collections.
The artwork will be displayed in the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust’s properties over the summer.
Who are the artists?
Over the coming weeks we will be sharing the stories of young artists in residence - Hassan Rahmani, Rumbidzai Savanhu and Robbie Dalal - and their work, through this blog series. We will also be shining a light on the collections that inspired them.

Who are The GAP?
The GAP is a Birmingham based youth-led organisation. They have grown organically and have developed their practice over the years. Today The GAP continues to seek ways of developing long term, transformative relationships with young people within Balsall Heath in Birmingham. It provides a creative ‘home’ for young artistic asylum seekers, refugees, and migrant creatives looking to build careers in the arts.
The GAP is so-named after a theoretical concept developed in the field of theatre education. The gap is the ‘unfilled’ space in education which offers no fixed answers, and it deliberately refrains from telling young people what to think. In these ‘gaps’, young people are free to explore and experiment, to make meaning for themselves, and to consider their own values. They can develop and grow their understanding of who they are and their relationship with the world. In other words, The GAP facilitates young people to think and to think for themselves.
What’s coming up?
In the next blog in this series we will introduce the inspiration and work of Hassan Rahmani. We will introduce his artwork ‘Silk and Stories’, discussing his inspiration and artistic process.