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Conservation Works to be Undertaken at Shakespeare’s Birthplace In January

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Shakespeare's Birthplace

As part of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust’s (SBT) continuous conservation programme, a series of works within Shakespeare’s Birthplace will be taking place for two weeks in January 2024.

During this period, the SBT will be sharing behind-the-scenes footage via its social media pages, inviting visitors to witness the important works for themselves, whilst exploring the history of this iconic building.

Works being undertaken during the conservation period include planned, minor repairs, decoration and general maintenance, all of which have listed building consent approval. These important works will help maintain and protect the centuries-old building for generations to come.

‘’Over the centuries, millions of people have stepped into the Birthplace, walking in the footsteps of Shakespeare and his family. As a result, the building needs ongoing care, like any home. With our ever-changing climate, we also need to ensure that we protect the historic building from all elements, allowing us to preserve the Birthplace for years to come.’’

Continued Mark Ratcliffe, Head of Estates at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

To ensure the work is completed as efficiently as possible, and to minimise disruption, Shakespeare’s Birthplace will not be accessible to visitors between Monday 8 to Friday 19 January 2024.

‘’By undertaking the conservation work, we are ensuring that the Birthplace is as accessible as possible for our guests today, whilst protecting and preserving it for those to come.

‘’We want our visitors to feel involved, which is why we’re showing behind the scenes footage on our social channels. Visitors can also access our online collections catalogue where they can immerse themselves in history and learn about the hundreds of objects at the Birthplace at their own leisure.’’

Commented Rachael North, Director of Museum and Public Programmes, at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

Shakespeare’s Birthplace will reopen fully to the public on Saturday 20 January. For more information about the conservation period, including ticketing enquiries, visit

To view the SBT’s extensive online collections catalogue, visit